Monday 10 June 2019


Theresa May with Donald Trump

Theresa May's gifts to Donald and Melania Trump have been revealed and it seems like the PM decided she wasn't going to be challenging any gender stereotypes.  Mrs May will give Donald Trump a copy of one of the most significant documents in the history of the “special relationship” to mark his state visit.  FLOTUS Melania will get a tea set. It is perhaps not surprising that a PM who once boasted of separate 'boy' and 'girl' jobs went so traditional. Mrs May and her husband Philip will present Mr Trump with a framed typescript draft of the 1941 Atlantic Charter, agreed by president Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, setting out their vision for the post-war world. The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said the Atlantic Charter was “one of the first steps towards the formation of the United Nations”.

The spokesman said, “It’s a copy of Churchill’s personal draft of August 12, 1941, with his amendments in red pencil. There were no further amendments made and Churchill kept the draft on his wall as a reminder. A copy has kindly been provided with the consent of Winston Churchill’s family.” First Lady Melania Trump's tea set is at least bespoke and made by designer Emma Bridgewater. When asked why Mr Trump was being given a historically significant gift, while his wife was being given a tea set, the Prime Minister’s spokesman said: “I think they are both gifts which have been carefully chosen.”  According to the spokesperson, the tea set was “a memento of a visit to Number 10 as part of what we hope will be a successful state visit”.

During the visit to Downing Street, the Mays and Trumps will view the Sussex Declaration - a rare copy of the American Declaration of Independence on sheepskin parchment. The document, dating back to the 1780s, is one of only two ceremonial manuscript copies written on parchment, the other is in the US National Archives in Washington. The US visitors will be treated to a three-course lunch in the state dining room at Number 10, consisting of Paignton harbour crab, turnip and chilled crab bisque, followed by dry-aged Lake District beef fillet, aubergine and miso puree, roasted garlic and ceps with an Eton mess with peach for dessert. While the official bilateral meetings between the US and UK delegations take place, Mr May and Mrs Trump will take tea together in the Terracotta Room, receive a tour of the staterooms from historian Sir Anthony Seldon, and attend a garden party for families of staff from No 10 and the US Embassy in London.

Details of the meetings Donald Trump will attend during his visit have also emerged. Theresa May will host business leaders to celebrate and strengthen economic links between the business in the UK and US. Theresa May will welcome the depth and future potential of transatlantic ties today as she and President Trump co-host a business roundtable on the second day of his State Visit to the UK. It comes after Donald Trump tweeted that conversations about a post-Brexit deal between the countries were already happening.

The event at St James’ Palace will bring together ten leading companies – five from the UK and five from the United States – to discuss the strength of our economic links and the sectors where expanding our cooperation further could benefit both sides. CEOs and senior representatives from BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline, National Grid, Barclays, Reckitt Benckiser, JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs International, Bechtel and Splunk are expected to attend. Discussions are expected to focus in particular on research, development and innovation, investment in infrastructure, and the scope for closer partnership in regulation and financial services.

Addressing the UK-US economic relationship the Prime Minister is expected to say, “It is a great partnership, but one I believe we can make greater still." Last night President Trump tweeted, "London part of trip is going really well. The Queen and the entire Royal family have been fantastic. The relationship with the United Kingdom is very strong. Tremendous crowds of well-wishers and people that love our Country. Haven’t seen any protests yet, but I’m sure the Fake News will be working hard to find them.  Great love all around. Also, big Trade Deal is possible once UK gets rid of the shackles. Already starting to talk!"

The United States is already the UK’s largest single trading partner in the world and trade between our countries, worth £190 billion last year, has grown by more than 70% over the last decade. We are also the largest investors in each other’s economies with mutual investments valued at as much as $1 trillion.

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